Exciting news: the By The Sword Linked wiki can now be viewed at:
So far there are only a few example pages but it should give a good idea of how it works and what it can do. It’s still a work in progress so any feedback would be very useful to help improve it. You can comment on this post or on Twitter, but the wiki itself can’t yet be edited by anyone but me (it will be opened up to other people eventually, but I don’t know exactly when).
I’ve also put a copy of the data structures documentation at Google Docs so that anyone can comment on it there. This is a bit more technical but I would be grateful for any feedback or advice, especially from anyone who knows about Linked Open Data but also from anyone who knows about history, if you have time to read it (it’s quite long because although I’ve tried to keep the data structures as simple as possible, we all know that history is complicated).
My first impression is that the server is very fast, but I don’t know how things will go when the numbers of pages and users go up in future.