Army Committee warrants added

I’m still quite busy with paid work (you can see some of the petitions I’ve been transcribing at British History Online) but I’ve just found time to update the wiki this week. To test the data structures for manuscript texts, I’ve imported a few hundred pay warrants and receipts created by the Army Committee in 1645 and 1646. The Army Committee was a committee of MPs chaired by Robert Scawen, which handled administration and supply for the New Model Army. The warrants and receipts that I’ve imported today are all for buying horses, saddles, and harness. The data originally came from my PhD research but I’ve checked everything against the original documents at Kew and corrected some errors (although I was relieved to find that most of my notes were accurate).

Some examples:

I think I’m now satisfied with the data structures for manuscript texts. I still need to test manuscripts that are divided into sections. After that I want to finish importing authors so I can test books, articles, journals and theses at a bigger scale.